Saturday 5 February 2011

Youtube: INTD

- Residential Interiors
- Helping Others
- Females
- Soft Music
- Before/After emphasis
There was a variety of clips after searching for specific topics. Under the general term "interior design" the results were very lame to say the least. Usually consisting of a woman picking out fabrics or bedspreads from the 80's. Reality tv has changed the face of interior design. Some for the better and some for the worse.


  1. Since the term "interior design" and its results were not satisfactory. Is it possible that there is another more professional term closer to your pursuing career? Has reality tv shed more light as to the actual professional work that takes place? Has it helped break the barrier regarding the typical stereotype of an interior designer?

  2. Have you considered looking at the movie The Blind Side for a slightly more modern view of interior design? The mother in that movie is an interior designer. While some of the stereotypes you have mentioned are still there in that movie it might give a slightly more modern perspective.
